The Advantages and Disadvantages of Direct Marketing

by Admin

Posted on 19-12-2022 01:43 AM

high segmentation and targeting: one of the main advantages of direct marketing is that it allows you to segment your audience and target them more effectively. blog This is because you can choose who receives your marketing materials, as well as when and how they receive them. This makes direct marketing more efficient and effective , as well as more cost-effective. By segmenting your audience, you can ensure that your marketing efforts are more likely to be successful. Optimizes your marketing budget: another advantage of direct marketing is that it can help you optimize your marketing budget. This is because you can choose how much to spend on each campaign , as well as how to allocate your resources.

While direct marketers advertise in magazines more than newspapers, newspapers have some distinct advantages over magazines, the more popular direct marketing medium. They include the variety of sections offered within a newspaper, shorter closing dates, an immediate response, and broad coverage of a large and diverse audience. Disadvantages include poor ad reproduction and the limited availability of color. Editorial content can also have more of an adverse effect on ad response than in magazines. In addition to advertising in the regular pages of a newspaper, direct marketers also advertise in freestanding inserts that are usually distributed with the sunday editions of newspapers.

Targeting in Direct Marketing

High segmentation and targeting: you can reach your specific audience segments with personalized messages. To be successful, you should invest time in researching and identifying the consumers who are most likely to convert. Optimize your marketing budget: targeting online direct marketing to a specific audience allows you to set realistic goals and improve sales on a tight budget. engines If you properly optimize your direct marketing campaign, you will achieve results with only a small percentage of the cost of traditional advertising. Increase your sales with current and former clients: direct marketing lets you communicate with your current customers to keep the relationship alive while continuing to bring value.

Direct marketing can be broadly defined as any direct communication (physical or digital) to a consumer or business recipient that is designed to generate a response in the form of an order, a request for further information , or a visit to a store or other place of business for purchase of a specific product or service. It includes, but is not restricted to, direct mail. The basis of direct marketing is always data , to enable targeting of specific audiences. Direct mail is a physical mail item delivered to an individual or household/business address, con­taining information aimed at eliciting a response from that individual or household/business (customers and potential customers).

Some of the strengths of direct marketing include: targeting: you can send specific messages to particular groups of customers and potential customers based on demographics and buying behaviour. The more targeted your campaigns, the more successful they are likely to be. Personalisation: reach your audience with a personal touch. Direct mail or email can be addressed to a specific person, and even include details like past orders. A phone call can engage a customer in conversation to start building a relationship with your business. Affordable: tactics like email marketing or leafleting can be very cost effective. Most direct marketing will be more cost effective for smes than mass media advertising campaigns.

As the name suggests, direct marketing strategies involve focused on communicating a brand message directly to the customers without any middleman. Below are some features that help to separate this marketing from other types of marketing. 1. Targeting: the most critical point of direct marketing is targeting the right audience with the most relevant message at the right time . So, you should promote your message only to those people who are interested in your product . If you promote your offer to your entire audience, you waste your money and effort because your entire audience will not be interested in your product offer.

What is Direct Marketing?

直銷,是direct sale的中譯,又有種說法叫“ 無店鋪銷售 ”。直銷是一個被廣泛討論,但是常被誤解的主題。有些人會把直銷和 直效行銷 (direct marketing)混淆,更有些人把直銷和 老鼠會 相提並論。雖然直銷可說是人類最早的商業配銷方式,但是直銷並沒有被人好好的瞭解。在行銷的文獻中,也幾乎被忽略了,例如在一本1993年美國很暢銷的零售管理的 教科書 中,甚至沒有提到直銷;此外,1994年美國出版的商業字典中,也沒有直銷的定義。 國際上公認的直銷定義是由世界直銷協會聯盟( world federation of direct selling associations,wfdsa)在其制定的《世界直銷商德約法》中提出的,“直銷”通常指“直接在消費者或他人家中、工作場所等其他非商店零售場所以外的地方進行產品行銷。通常由營銷人員在現場對產品作出詳細說明或示範。”所以,直銷是一種將產品自出廠後直接銷售給消費者的商品流通方式。 有一些學者曾經對直銷下過定義,但是大部份都含混不清,沒有把直銷的真正特性表現出來。在美國研究直銷最有名的兩位學者是 美國德州大學奧斯丁校區 的彼德森(robert a. Peterson)教授和 聖地亞哥州立大學 的沃特巴(thomas r. Wotruba)教授。他們兩位對直銷研究發表的論文最多,也最被重視。他們在1996年發表的一篇論文中討論直銷的定義,對直銷下了一個簡單但貼切的定義:直銷是一種沒有在固定零售點進行的面對面銷售」。這個定義和美國直銷教育基金會(direct selling education foundation)於1992年的定義:直銷是一種透過人員接觸(銷售員對購買者),不在固定商業地點,主要在家裡進行的消費性產品或服務的配銷方式很相似;不過後者更強調消費性與配銷方式。 直銷定義中有兩個要點:面對面銷售與不在固定零售點。 面對面銷售可以讓我們瞭解直銷是一種兩個人 面對面溝通 的過程;這種面對面的人員銷售特性是直銷和 直效行銷 的主要區別。直效行銷採用郵寄型錄、電話/電視行銷、直接響應廣告或最近興起的 網路行銷 等方式來銷售產品或服務,沒有人員面對面的接觸。 而不在固定零售點的特性使直銷有別於一般零售店的 銷售 ,因此直銷也是一種無店鋪的 零售方式 。 據調查,在美國購買 直銷產品 的消費者,多為年輕女性,其 教育 程度比較高而且收入也比較多,這類人群是購買 直銷產品 的重要顧客。同時在中歐的調查研究也得到類似的結果。 與其它行銷方法比較,直銷擁有許多優點,比較重要的有: 彈性:它不受時間與空間的限制,隨消費者與 直銷商 的方便,在任何時刻、地點都可進行; 信息的品質和數量,經由面對面的溝通,所有的溝通感官:聽覺、視覺、嗅覺和觸覺都可以應用,同時消費者可以說明自己的需求,而由直銷商針對客戶的需求提供產品或服務的信息,使消費者對產品或服務有充分的瞭解。 因此從活動的角度來看,直銷充分應用到 關係行銷 的理念。一個成功的直銷商必須學會如何和顧客建立長久的關係,藉由現有顧客不斷的重覆購買,來維持穩定的業績。 從運作的角度來看直銷,有許多因素可以討論,舉三項討論如下: 1. 銷售人員 是公司員工或獨立的直銷商,由於採用獨立的直銷商可以省掉一大筆固定的人事費用,所以絕大多數的直銷公司都採用獨立的直銷商。但是獨立的直銷商不是公司的員工,公司對他們的要求或控管較難掌握。 2. 直銷商是 全職 或 兼職 ,由於獨立直銷商的工作很自由而且很有彈性,吸引了很多兼職的人加入;依據美國直銷協會1995年的一份調查,有超過一半以上的直銷商有其它的工作,有大約8%的直銷商是全職的在做直銷。(全職是以每周花30小時以上做直銷工作為依據),另有大約42%的直銷商是兼差的方式(沒有其它工作,但每周花不到30小時做直銷)。 3. 是單層或多層的直銷:直銷公司採用多層制度(multi- level , network, hierarchical structure )的,直銷人員除了銷售產品之外,還可以吸收、訓練下線,藉著獎金制度的設計,直銷商可以自其下線的業績中獲得部份的獎金。多層的直銷又稱 傳銷 或多層次傳銷,其實就世界上通用的名詞,單層或多層都是屬於直銷(direct selling)。由於多層制度有更高的激勵效果,使得大部份的直銷公司都採用多層制度。但是多層制度的設計與執行必須非常小心,因為稍一不慎就會成為獵人頭斂財的老鼠會或稱非法的 金字塔銷售術 (illegal pyramid operation)。 根據調查研究,適合用直銷通路銷售的產品必須具備三項特點:差異性、需要示範說明、以及必須重覆購買;那些成功的知名直銷公司銷售的產品都至少具備其中的兩項特點。但是粗略的檢視一下直銷公司銷售的產品,則幾乎任何產品都可透過直銷通路來銷售。譬如,在日本,新汽車幾乎有一半是藉由挨家挨戶的直銷成交的;在美國,從量販店的會員卡到長途電話公司的客戶都有利用直銷來推廣的。 美國的一項調查顯示,消費者願意透過直銷購買的產品,在列出的22項中排名前10名的,依次為:1. 美容保養品2. 廚房用品及容器3. 玩具、手工藝品4. 家庭清潔用品5. 保險6. 刀叉餐具7. 參考書、百科全書8. 手工具9. 吸塵器10. 維他命、營養食品。再參考臺灣直銷前四名的產品1. 營養保健食品2. 美容保養品 3. 家庭清潔用品4. 凈、濾水器,可以看出民族性的差異會影響 直銷產品 的暢銷項目。 美國直銷商的特征,根據調查,只有8%是25歲以下,有63%是在25~44歲之間,24%是在45~64歲之間;大多數有高中的文憑,但很少有研究所的學歷。在個性方面,活躍的直銷商比較外向、主動、熱情而且富冒險精神;他們也比較喜歡自己當老闆。一個成功的直銷商必須是一個良好的溝通者,而且有強烈的 工作動機 。一項研究發現,說話的速度、停頓的時間以及語調的高低會影響溝通的效果;換句話說,溝通的方法比內容更重要。另一項研究發現,直銷商的工作成果和工作的滿意度無關,但是工作努力可以提高工作成果和 工作滿意度 。直銷商將他的工作目標訂得愈詳細的,愈會努力工作,不過他們額外努力的效果並沒有比沒有訂詳細工作目標的人好。 直銷商的流動率高是一項很值得註意的問題。根據一項研究報告,美國直銷商一年的流動率約在 150至200%之間。其中可能的原因是,有些直銷商進進出出,有經濟需求時就積極從事直銷工作,否則就暫時停止活動。但另一更值得註意的原因是由於直銷商的招募沒有選擇性,有些直銷商加入直銷是因為獎金制度的吸引,以為短期就可致富,不須付出太多的時間和努力。像這樣的人經過一段時間之後必定會失望,從而否定直銷,退出直銷,再也不會接受直銷。這種現象值得直銷公司及直銷商註意並尋求預防的對策。 正當直銷與傳銷詐騙之間有如下四點主要區別: 1、是否以銷售產品為企業營運的基礎。正當直銷公司以提供優質產品,服務消費者為經營宗旨,傳銷詐騙則不以實際的產品銷售為基礎,其產品不具有真正的市場價值甚至根本沒有產品。 2、是否收取或變相收取高額入門費。成為正當直銷公司的營銷人員無需繳納入門費。相反,傳銷詐騙則往往要求加入者繳納高額的入門費,或要求購買相當數量的所謂“產品”,或收取培訓和其他名目的費用,從而變相繳納高額入門費。 3、是否以產品銷售為基礎計算報酬。正當直銷公司以營銷人員實際銷售產品數額為基礎計算報酬,採用的是公平合理的按勞動成果計酬方式;與此相反,傳銷詐騙以“快速致富”為誘餌拉人加入,並單純依靠發展人員的數量計提報酬。 4、是否有退出和退貨保障。正當直銷公司的營銷人員可以根據個人意願,自由選擇繼續經營或者退出,同時設有完善的退貨制度,消費者和從業人員的合法權益可以得到保障;傳銷詐騙則通常規定不可退貨或退貨條件非常苛刻。.

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Effective in improving brand awareness: a well executed and innovative direct marketing campaign can be memorable and shareable. That means customers are likely to remember the brand and the campaign, they may even talk about it with their friends and family. Can grow consumer base: by asking customers to take actions such as signing up for an account by offering an incentive can be an effective way to grow your customer base. It can also be an effective way of re-connecting with old or former customers. Can be used to test offering: if you're looking to introduce a new product or service into a market , a direct marketing campaign can be a great way to achieve two key objectives.

The main goal of direct marketing is to generate leads and drive sales through direct contact with customers. Direct marketing seeks to elicit an immediate response from consumers to generate sales activity.

How Does Direct Marketing Work?

Direct marketing campaigns work by directly communicating with a business’s target audience . These campaigns operate independently of media publications or mass media. They do this by reaching out straight to the people they’re trying to get the attention of. The majority of direct marketing will be personalized to create a connection with the reader. This could be done by sending out a mass communication, but with the recipient’s name added in to increase the levels of engagement. Another way to increase engagement in direct marketing is through the call to action . This is a section of a message that urges an immediate response by the reader.

Direct marketing can reconnect you with previous customers who haven’t made a purchase or interacted with your brand in months or even years. include messages that show you have missed them and still value them as customers. provide a special offer to invite them back and work towards re-establishing the relationship.

Once you have your contact list , you need to build your direct marketing material or content in the correct format. This may require technical expertise for digital communication or working with a supplier for printed materials.

As you work to maximize your impact, you can’t afford to waste your time or resources on ineffective marketing strategies. To reach as many people as possible, increase response rates, and ultimately raise more fundraising dollars, you need ensure you get the right message in front of the right people, using the right channel. Benefit from the world’s largest philanthropic giving database and proprietary data. With blackbaud’s direct marketing analytics services , you can: better understand your constituents' motivations and behavior to maximize the impact of your marketing communications – in any channel you're using utilize intent-based targeting techniques to determine whom you should contact, how and when to reach out, and what to ask.

Examples Of Direct Marketing

First, let’s start by defining direct marketing. Direct marketing: reaching a segment of your target audience with a specialized message designed to inspire action. It can deliver short-term wins (example: registering for an event) or help foster long-term relationships (example: joining a loyalty program). Here are some examples of direct marketing tactics: telemarketing direct mail campaigns messaging campaigns unlike traditional marketing and advertising campaigns, which are meant for mass audiences, direct marketing delivers tailored messages to a select few. The key to its success is reaching people at the right place, where they’re already active and engaged. That’s where direct messaging marketing comes in.

email marketing tools are designed to help an organization send personalized and targeted bulk emails. These tools can track an organization's campaign performance, manage its contact lists and segment prospect customers into groups. Examples of direct email marketing tools include sendinblue, hubspot and constant contact. Sendinblue is an sms and email marketing tool that uses marketing automation features to segment prospects, send emails and create automatic follow-up emails. This tool features a drag-and-drop email editor and can automatically select the best times of day to send out emails. It offers free and paid plans. Free plans let users send 300 emails per day.

The act of presenting an offer directly to a target client and providing them with a way to respond immediately is known as direct marketing. It is sometimes referred to as direct response marketing among practitioners. advertising , in contrast, is a form of mass messaging. The success of direct marketing methods is measured by measuring target attainment. Direct marketing is more effective when prospect lists are focused. Choosing the best communication medium for a particular organisation is also essential for success. Many direct marketing organisations now use permission marketing to avoid friction with leads and consumers. Also read: what is viral marketing? best strategies with examples.

Direct marketing examples include many of the same marketing tools you’re already used to. The messaging you send should speak to a specific type of customer and offer a unique, actionable takeaway. We’ll dissect some examples from leading brands in a minute, but first, here are some things you’ll see or use for direct marketing: digital marketing : social media, email newsletters, landing pages, seo strategies, and sponsored advertisements are just some of the direct marketing tools that fall under this umbrella. Telemarketing: sales and outreach through traditional phone calls to cold or warm leads. Sms text messaging: typically opt in, but can be used as part of rewards programs and other targeted campaigns.